The Ultimate Guide to Felt Fabric: Everything You Need to Know

Felt fabric is a non-woven textile that is made by compressing and matting fibers together. It is created by applying heat, moisture, and pressure to wool or other animal fibers, causing the fibers to interlock and form a dense, sturdy material.


Saleem Shahzad

6/14/20239 min read

Felt Fabric Carpet
Felt Fabric Carpet

Introduction to Felt Fabric

What is felt fabric?

Felt fabric is a non-woven textile that is made by compressing and matting fibers together. It is created by applying heat, moisture, and pressure to wool or other animal fibers, causing the fibers to interlock and form a dense, sturdy material. Felt can also be made from synthetic fibers, such as polyester or acrylic. Felt fabric is known for its durability, versatility, and unique texture. It is commonly used in a variety of applications, including clothing, accessories, crafts, and home decor.

History of felt fabric

Felt fabric has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. The earliest known examples of felt date back to the nomadic peoples of Central Asia, who used it for clothing, shelter, and even as a form of currency. Felt-making techniques spread throughout the world, with different cultures developing their own unique methods and styles. In the Middle Ages, felt became an important material for hats, and by the 19th century, it was widely used in industrial applications such as insulation and soundproofing. Today, felt remains a popular material for a wide range of crafts and projects, thanks to its versatility, durability, and unique texture.

Types of felt fabric

There are several types of felt fabric available in the market, each with its unique characteristics and uses. Wool felt is the most common type of felt fabric, made from natural wool fibers that are tightly compressed and matted together. It is durable, soft, and has excellent insulation properties, making it ideal for clothing, accessories, and home decor items. Synthetic felt, on the other hand, is made from man-made fibers such as polyester or acrylic and is less expensive than wool felt. It is also available in a wide range of colors and is often used for craft projects, toys, and decorations. Other types of felt fabric include blended felt, which is a mix of wool and synthetic fibers, and eco-friendly felt, made from recycled materials.

How Felt Fabric is Made

Materials needed

To work with felt fabric, you will need a few basic materials. Firstly, you will need felt fabric in the color and thickness of your choice. You can purchase felt fabric in sheets or by the yard. Additionally, you will need a pair of sharp scissors to cut the felt fabric to your desired shape and size. A rotary cutter and cutting mat can also be helpful for more precise cuts. You may also want to have a ruler or measuring tape on hand to ensure accuracy. Finally, a sewing machine or needle and thread will be necessary if you plan to sew your felt fabric into a project. With these materials, you'll be well-equipped to begin working with felt fabric.

Wet felting process

Wet felting is a process that involves using hot water, soap, and agitation to create a dense and sturdy fabric. The process starts with laying out layers of wool fibers in a specific pattern. The fibers are then wetted with hot water and soap, and the layers are agitated by rubbing, rolling, or pressing. This process causes the fibers to interlock and bind together, creating a solid piece of felt. Wet felting can be used to create a variety of items, from clothing and accessories to home decor and art pieces. It is a versatile and fun technique that can be enjoyed by crafters of all skill levels.

Needle felting process

Needle felting is a popular technique used to create intricate designs and shapes on felt fabric. It involves using a special needle with barbs on the end to repeatedly poke the fibers of the felt, causing them to interlock and create a denser, more compact material. This process can be used to create 3D sculptures, embellish clothing or accessories, or add texture to flat pieces of felt. It requires patience and precision, but the results can be stunning. Needle felting can be done by hand or with a machine, and there are a variety of needles and tools available to help achieve different effects.

Nuno felting process

Nuno felting is a technique that involves combining wool fibers with a sheer fabric, such as silk or chiffon. The wool fibers migrate through the fabric and interlock, creating a lightweight, yet durable felted fabric. This process allows for intricate designs and patterns to be created on the surface of the fabric. Nuno felting is a popular technique for creating scarves, shawls, and other lightweight garments. It is also a great way to add texture and dimension to home decor items such as pillows and wall hangings.

Uses of Felt Fabric

Clothing and accessories

Felt fabric is a popular choice for clothing and accessories due to its durability and versatility. Felt hats, scarves, and gloves are common winter accessories, while felted wool jackets and coats provide warmth and style. Felt can also be used to create unique and trendy handbags, purses, and wallets. Additionally, felt can be easily cut and shaped into various designs, making it a great option for creating statement jewelry pieces like brooches and necklaces. With its wide range of colors and textures, felt fabric is a go-to choice for fashion designers and DIY enthusiasts alike.

Home decor

Felt fabric is an excellent choice for home decor projects due to its versatility and durability. It can be used to create a variety of items such as throw pillows, table runners, coasters, and wall hangings. Felt also comes in a wide range of colors, making it easy to match any decor style. Additionally, felt is easy to work with and can be cut, sewn, and glued to create unique and personalized home decor pieces. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a beginner, felt fabric is a great choice for adding a cozy and stylish touch to your home.

Toys and crafts

Felt fabric is a popular choice for making toys and crafts due to its versatility and durability. From stuffed animals to finger puppets, felt can be easily cut, sewn, and glued to create a wide range of projects. Felt is also a great material for children's crafts as it is easy to work with and comes in a variety of bright colors. Additionally, felt can be used for more intricate projects such as embroidery and appliqué. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter, felt fabric is a must-have in your crafting supplies.

Industrial applications

Felt fabric is widely used in various industrial applications due to its unique properties. It is commonly used as a sealing material in machinery and equipment to prevent leaks and reduce noise. Felt is also used as a polishing material in the metalworking industry to achieve a smooth and polished finish on metal surfaces. Additionally, felt is used in the automotive industry as a lining material for brake pads and clutch plates. Its ability to absorb and retain oil and other fluids makes it an ideal material for these applications. Overall, felt fabric is a versatile material that has a wide range of industrial applications.

Caring for Felt Fabric

Cleaning and washing

Cleaning and washing felt fabric can be a bit tricky, as it is a delicate material that can easily shrink or become misshapen if not handled properly. It is best to avoid machine washing or drying felt, as the agitation and heat can cause damage. Instead, spot clean any stains with a damp cloth and mild soap, being careful not to rub too hard. For deeper cleaning, consider taking your felt item to a professional dry cleaner who specializes in working with delicate fabrics. To prevent future stains and dirt buildup, store your felt items in a clean, dry place and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or moisture.

Drying and storing

After washing your felt fabric, it's important to dry it properly to avoid any damage or shrinkage. The best way to dry felt is to lay it flat on a clean towel and let it air dry. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric as this can cause it to lose its shape. Once dry, store your felt in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent any fading or discoloration. You can also store it in a plastic bag or container to protect it from dust and moisture. With proper care and storage, your felt fabric can last for years to come.

Preventing damage and wear

To prevent damage and wear to your felt fabric, it's important to handle it with care. Avoid pulling or stretching the fabric, as this can cause it to lose its shape and structure. When storing your felt, make sure it's in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid folding or creasing the fabric, as this can cause permanent damage. If your felt becomes dirty, gently spot clean it with a damp cloth and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as this can damage the fibers. With proper care, your felt fabric can last for years to come.

Where to Buy Felt Fabric

Local fabric stores

Local fabric stores are a great resource for finding high-quality felt fabric. Not only can you see and feel the fabric in person, but you can also get advice and recommendations from knowledgeable staff. Some popular fabric stores include Joann, Hobby Lobby, and Michaels. However, don't forget to check out smaller, independent fabric stores in your area as well. These stores may have a more unique selection and can offer a more personalized shopping experience. Additionally, many local fabric stores offer classes and workshops where you can learn new techniques and get inspiration for your felt projects.

Online fabric retailers

Online fabric retailers have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a wide variety of felt fabrics at competitive prices. Some popular online retailers include Etsy, Amazon, and These retailers often have a larger selection of felt fabrics than brick-and-mortar stores, and many offer free shipping or discounts for bulk purchases. It's important to read reviews and check the return policy before making a purchase, as the quality and accuracy of the fabric may vary. Additionally, some online retailers may offer custom cutting services, which can be helpful for larger projects or specific sizing needs.

Specialty felt suppliers

Specialty felt suppliers are a great option for those looking for unique and high-quality felt fabrics. These suppliers often offer a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures that are not commonly found in regular craft stores. Some specialty felt suppliers also offer custom dyeing and printing services, allowing customers to create their own unique designs. While these suppliers may be more expensive than regular craft stores, the quality and uniqueness of their products make them worth the investment for serious crafters and designers. Some popular specialty felt suppliers include Benzie Design, Felt On The Fly, and The Felt Pod.

DIY Felt Fabric Projects

Felted wool dryer balls

Felted wool dryer balls are a natural alternative to dryer sheets and fabric softeners. They are made from 100% wool and work by bouncing around in the dryer, separating clothes and allowing hot air to circulate more efficiently. This results in shorter drying times and softer, less wrinkled clothes. Additionally, wool dryer balls are reusable and can last for hundreds of loads, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective option. To use them, simply toss them in the dryer with your laundry and let them do their magic. For added scent, you can add a few drops of essential oils to the balls before use.

Felted wool coasters

Felted wool coasters are a popular DIY project that can add a touch of warmth and texture to any home. To make felted wool coasters, you will need wool roving, hot water, and soap. First, shape the wool roving into a coaster-sized ball and dip it into hot, soapy water. Then, gently roll the ball in your hands to create friction and encourage the fibers to bind together. Continue rolling and dipping the ball until it has shrunk and hardened into a dense felted coaster. You can experiment with different colors and patterns by layering different shades of wool roving or adding embellishments like embroidery or beads. Felted wool coasters are not only functional but also make great gifts for friends and family.

Felted wool ornaments

Felted wool ornaments are a popular DIY project during the holiday season. To make felted wool ornaments, you will need wool roving, hot water, soap, and a felting needle. First, shape the wool roving into the desired ornament shape. Then, wet the wool with hot water and soap and begin felting by poking the wool with the felting needle. Continue felting until the wool is compact and holds its shape. You can add embellishments such as beads or embroidery to personalize your felted wool ornaments. These ornaments make great gifts and can be used year after year to decorate your tree.

Felted wool hats

Felted wool hats are a popular accessory for both men and women. They are made by felting wool fibers together to create a dense, sturdy material that can be shaped into a variety of styles. Felted wool hats are known for their warmth and durability, making them a great choice for cold weather. They also come in a range of colors and designs, from classic fedoras to trendy beanies. When caring for a felted wool hat, it's important to avoid getting it wet or exposing it to heat, as this can cause the fibers to shrink and distort. Instead, use a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris, and store the hat in a cool, dry place when not in use.


Summary of key points

In summary, felt fabric is a versatile and durable material that can be used for a variety of projects. It is made from wool fibers that are compressed and matted together, creating a dense and sturdy fabric. Felt comes in a range of colors and thicknesses, making it suitable for everything from clothing and accessories to home decor and crafts. When working with felt, it is important to choose the right type of felt for your project, as well as to handle it carefully to avoid stretching or distorting the fabric. With a little bit of practice and some basic knowledge, anyone can create beautiful and functional items using felt fabric.

Final thoughts and recommendations

In conclusion, felt fabric is a versatile and durable material that can be used for a variety of projects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter, felt is a great choice for creating everything from clothing and accessories to home decor and toys. When working with felt, it's important to choose high-quality materials, use the right tools and techniques, and take your time to ensure a professional-looking finished product. With these tips and recommendations in mind, you'll be well on your way to creating beautiful and functional felt projects that you can enjoy for years to come.